Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So some of you are asking, why are you so interested in helping me and sharing all this time and information? Well, to be honest, it’s just the way I am wired. Life has brought me to a point where I decided not to do anything just for the sake of business and looking proactive. It has to mean something. Building people is what I live for and to be able to reach you right here, right now, is fantastic!

You might not be sure what this is about. You might not even be interested in this, but I assure you that the only way the wealthy and productive portion of the world’s population have stayed that way is because they grabbed opportunities at first glance. You know how it is when you don’t have a car, and then you finally buy a Toyota, and suddenly you notice there are many more Toyota’s plying your route. It’s the same thing with opportunities; you only get to really see them when you hold them in your hand.

If it’s one thing I have learnt from years of stumbling, starting and stopping and almost pulling my hair out in business is that there is no such thing as a sure thing.
If you don’t have guts, you don’t get wealthy. It’s that simple. Are there get rich quick schemes out there? Well, do fish swim?? It’s almost a rite of passage to be bitten once by either the bad business decision bug or the no decision at all bug. Be rest assured that everyone is afraid of loss, or being defrauded or never getting their goods delivered. Fear? That happens to everyone. The only difference between those that get things done and the rest is that they do it anyway! 

Of all the successful men and women I have had the privilege of speaking with, no one has ever told me ; oh of course, it was a piece of cake, I knew it would work because I had all the facts and it wasn’t much of a risk so I took it and it paid big-time’. Not one. Some of them did not even have 50percent of the facts before they decided to just take it and run with it. You will never I repeat, never make anything significant by sitting down and waiting for something to happen.  A popular saying goes, success does not just happen; you make it happen.

You need to ask yourself some hard questions.
Who are you and what do you consider important?
What are those things that you really want to do with your time, energy and gifts?
What are you doing currently and why are you doing what you are doing the way you are doing it?
If money was no object, where would you be right here, right now and what would you be doing?
So why aren’t you doing it?

Do you see where I am going with this? Some of us are so busy to even think a little deeper about what we are busy doing. The ‘why’ is so much more important than the ‘how’ or even the ‘what’. We seem to be walking backwards, and we would have many bruises to show for it. It’s one thing to do it right, it’s much more important to do the right it.

Am I a bit too serious? Well.... I get like this sometimes. (Wink). See you later!

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