Sunday, January 22, 2012

Africans Are Lazy!!! ......No?.....Prove it!

Taking a little break from our Home Businesses Series to share this eye-opening article. I know many of us have thought about this once or twice but were never able to fully articulate an answer to the question........What is wrong with Africans? With all the resources, natural and human, all the options, the good of the land in many respects and nothing to show for it.

No one has articulated this as well as this writer who boldly called all of us, yes, ALL of us, lazy! Just read it and you'll see why we need to start thinking differently to get different results!!

It can be easy trying unthink decades of thoughts, stories and perceptions that have been passed down to us either knowingly or unknowingly by those who went before us. But think about it, if we were so smart and all knowing, why do we always feel like we always end up with the short end of the stick. We rely way too much on what was said, or done and we don't want to find out things for ourselves. I can't explain anymore than Will Smith's character in the 'Pursuit of Happyness'.

So don't just sit there sulking.....If you want it, go ahead and get it!!!

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