Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5 Ways to Keep The Dream Alive And LIVE It!

Ok so this is a mini rant. I've had it up to my eyebrows with excuses and reasons why people aren’t interested in breaking new ground or at least be ambitious enough to make their lives count. First things first; don't give up on your dream! Don't do it! The only reason you should give up on it is if you are certain that it’s not your dream or it’s a dream you formulated in your mind because you just wanted to prove a point or show people you could do it. That's not what I am taking about. I am referring to the vision in your mind’s eye that won’t leave you alone and when you think back to it, you come alive and you just know this is what you were created to do. Believe it or not a dream has been planted in the heart of each and every one of us and it is our responsibility to protect it and keep it alive. From all I have seen, heard and experienced, these are a 5 ways to be double sure that your dreams don’t die in a hurry:

Friday, May 4, 2012

The 4 Money Don’ts and How to Save Yourself by Saving.

I have been a victim of this so many times its almost ridiculous. Ok so I figured out early that being cash rich doesn't mean always having cash to spend whenever you wanted to. I always thought being able to buy what you want when you wanted it was the way to go. The only thing was I didn't quite understand how to keep the habit going. I’m not talking about being ostentatious but I believe in being able to buy what you need and even want whenever you need and want it. If you can’t do that, you’re broke and it doesn't matter how much you make.

Let me explain.