Tuesday, January 24, 2012

About to give up.....Sigh...

I'm tired....
Nothing seems to be working....
It's like trying to squeeze water out of a rock....
I can't, I just cant.....
There's no point.....
I'll never get it done....
I just don't have what it takes....
Who would hire me anyway?...
Why won't anyone help me?....
Am I cursed?....
It's no good....
I'll probably be horrible at it....

Please feel free to add as many downers as you can to grow the chain of pity party favourites. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to walk around thinking the world owes you something at every turn. 

I tried it for a while and woke up unable to account for ten years of my life. I don't mean going through the motions of school, work, etc. I am talking about struggling to picture exactly what the world gained because I was born. In ten long years, all I did was exist. Do what I needed to do to get to the next 'level'. 

In the middle of the celebration of an additional 'feather in my cap' a still, small voice would ask 'Congratulations dear, but what about your assignment?'  Picture all the talented, educated, and supremely gifted people walking around with all this negativity. Trying hard to push back the yearning to do something more. Filling every moment of their lives with meaningless activity just to distract them from the real questions they should be asking. 

Then imagine God saying to an angel in heaven 'What is wrong with this daughter of mine, who I spent time crafting to perfection? I even gave her an extra gift of charisma to lead people to fulfill their assignments there on earth. Why is she asking all these questions? Who is she talking to? Me?!!' 

You've got it. I don't care who you are or where you are. What you need to fulfill your assignment on earth is already deposited in you in an unthinkable quantity. You just don't know it because you haven't seen it. But then again, that you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. 

Anytime you feel like quitting, just remember you are not alone. Everyone feels like that once in a while, even the most successful people in the world, the strongest athletes, the most beautiful women, the most intelligent scientists......everyone. If you can't snap out of it on your own, maybe this will help......

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