Hello people!! I missed writing and I am glad to be back but all in all it was a good time away because as they say 'iron sharpeneth iron'.
Ok so this is what I gathered from all the 'sharpening'. Most of the ideas we form in our lives aren't exactly true but they are assumptions that we grow to believe as a result of our experiences in life. I found out a few things of note and from experience, I can tell you that every excuse under the sun has branched out from at least one of these assumptions.
Not everyone can be a dreamer: This is so ridiculous its almost absurd to me to even type it. Everyone, every single person living and walking on earth is a dreamer. The only thing is our dreams are either at the forefront of our minds and actions or we stuff them away somewhere in our subconscious mind and focus more on reality. Those who are successful have a bit of both. They are aware of the reality around them but their actions are propelled by the image of their vision in their mind and nothing else
Some people don't feel fear. Fear is present in the mind of every person, the only thing is that it propels some and paralyses others. For those who are successful, they all feel the fear but they learnt to ignore it and drown out the whispers of self doubt with positive mantras. Yes, they feel the fear but while the rest of us cower and hide away, they go on and do it anyway.
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Image: Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
I don't need goals, I just do what I can. The end is the focus, not the process. For everyone who has made anything significant out of their lives, they always had a goal. With a goal, clearly written and visually displayed either physically or in their minds eye, the obstacles are irrelevant because they see what others can't, the big picture. The process is just a means to get there, so they know that it has to be efficient, not perfect. Bottom line, without goals, you are lost.
I'm not that smart. Everyone is smarter than they actually think they are. Just looking at children before they hit puberty is a revelation. A child believes. He just knows that he can touch the door handle. He can see it, he can walk, he knows where it is so he goes for it. Then he becomes an adult and suddenly has ideas of what might be on the other side of the door. He sees it, he can walk and he knows where it is but he convinces himself its not worth the risk so he doesn't go anywhere near it and he bases his decision on the assumptions of others forgetting that his mind is there to help form an opinion, not follow suit.
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Image: Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
I can't learn it. Everyone has the capacity to learn whatever they need to learn to get whatever they want. We aren't called an intelligent species for nothing. There is a reason why the brain is wired so intricately and is called a powerhouse. It was not designed to do the mundane day in day out, it was designed to push boundaries and change the world, one thought at a time. I don't care what anyone says, Einstein's brain was the same size as everyone else's, he just chose to use a bit more than the rest of us
I don't know about you but a few of my excuses just flew out the window with those points. Let me know what you think.
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